The Termite of Savanna🐜


Termite Scientific Classification

Kingdom ~ Animalia

Phylum ~ Arthropoda

Class ~ Insecta

Order ~ Isoptera

Scientific Name ~ Isoptera

Temites are the insect which are maily stay and originate for a long priod of the time 

~How do termites lives and works

Termites are born with instincts that aid in their preservation. These instincts are what help them to work together, defend their colony, and protect their queen. If this natural behavior isn't taken into consideration when applying pest control, the control method will fail. One of the primary ways termite control fails is by killing termites too quickly. There are lots of products that kill termites, but when termites don't return to their colony, it does not go unnoticed. This can cause a termite nest to take many defensive measures to protect itself. The secret to effective termite control is linked to overcoming this natural defense. Killing the termites in a man-made structure isn't enough to keep it safe. Those termites will regroup and find another spot to attack. It is vital to attack the colony that sent those worker termites, and destroy it. When termites have already invaded, the experts here at Aiken trust Navigator. It is a liquid termiticide that acts like bait. When termites pass through the product they become carriers. Then, like a virus, the slow-acting poison works its way from worker to worker, and eventually back to the 

~What does the termite eat and are they drink?

Termites' moisture requirements vary by species. Dampwood termites require the most moisture, followed by subterranean termites and then drywood termites.Dampwood termites get water from the wood they consume and have very high moisture requirements. This termite species nests only in wood with a high moisture content. Since dampwood termites need very damp wood to get enough moisture, they typically are found in rotting tree trunks or utility poles - not in homes and buildings. Subterranean termites get most of their water from the soil. A few species of subterranean termites, including Formosan termites, can build above-ground nests if there are water sources nearby. Leaking roofs and faulty plumbing can provide the necessary water for an aboveground Formosan termite nest, also called a carton. Drywood termites have lower moisture requirements and do not need a source of free water. This species can receive all of the water it needs by metabolizing the wood that it eats. Drywood termites can retain water before waste elimination, which explains why they produce dry, distinctively-shaped fecal pellets. Drywood termites' skin also is more impermeable to water loss than subterranean termites' skin, which helps this species conserve water.

~Does termites Eat meat

cerulose The food of termites is mainly cellulose, which is obtained from wood, grass, leaves, humus, manure of herbivorous animals, and materials of vegetative origin (e.g., paper, cardboard, cotton). Most lower termites and many higher ones feed on wood that is either sound or partly decayed. A few termites, known as foragers or harvesters, collect and eat grass, leaves, and straw. Many higher termites (family Termitidae) are humivores, or exclusively humus feeders.Termite doesnt eat meat why cause they are omnivores in nature  plant eater and since they are living under the ground

~What is the life span of termites!


The life cycle of the termite begins with a mating flight, wherein swarming winged reproductive males and females leave established colonies and procreate. After fertilization, winged termites land and shed their wings, going on to form new colonies. These insects then become the king or queen termites of their newly established colonies. The queen and king termites are at the center of the termite life cycle and are responsible for reproduction Termites might live up to 2 years but this are local termites but we have mainly different with those Qeen 

~How does Queen found?

When  finding a termite mound as high as 10 feet in your yard. They found a massive complex of 200 million , which may be up to 5 years old. As you might gather, termites are rather sophisticated bugs that can survive even if natural predators, like ants, birds and toads, abound. Part of the reason why termites are so successful is because they live and work in social groups, called colonies. A subterranean termite colony might include several million found. Unlike other bugs, such as cockroaches and grasshoppers, social insects, like termites, depend on each other to survive. Each termite performs a specific job that helps the colony as a whole. Every termite colony is complex and has one or more “headquarters,” usually found in a food source like a log. The colony centers are connected to other food sources by a series of underground tunnels. Worker termites use these tunnels to travel back and forth, and some of them bring food back to their kings and queens. In this chapter, we’ll explore the termite social system further. We’ll also look at the termite life cycle, from tiny termite babies to their mysterious queens.

How do the teritory cerculate the Air in between 

Below the chimneys, the termites farmed fungi for food. While the termites relied on soil’s 


Here are some of the indications that your home might be infested with termites:

– clicking noises

– headbanging

– flying termites

– termite wings

– white ants

– the timber sounds hollow

– there are small holes in the wood

– the doors and windows are hard to open or close

– mud leads

– shelter tubes

– the power fails

– you notice tunnels in wood

– you find termite droppings

– the floors, walls or ceiling are damaged

– the foundation is damaged

– the garden is damaged

– roof tiles are damaged

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take action. The sooner you do it, the more damage you can prevent. You might be tempted to try a DYI solution you’ve found somewhere on the internet or to buy a termite substance from your local retail store. People think that by using one of these methods they will save money, but in the end, they will only pay more in the long term. Various solutions found online are not proven to work, and the substances found in stores will only provide a temporary fix

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