The Migration of the Serengeti N .Park

The Migration of the wildebeest of Serengeti National Park  its the largest migration in the world to which it have remain for years now

since the establish of Serengeti National park in 1951 it has been there and remember this migration has been there before even the separation of Ngorongoro Conservation Area" Where By it comprises of Human activity and wild animal so Ngorongoro was there when migration was found. 

Who are the animals that do that migration?

we have 2 Animal that are doing that migration all over the Serengeti to masai mara and back into Serengeti again.

The and as you see there in the picture the animal wildebeest and zebra are depending in each other and thus why the migration remain static to all those year

When we state Zebra are the animal without horns but also they have black and white colour

And when we state Wildebeest are the animal with black colour that are moving together side by side with Zebra 

The good thing to a zebra is that whenever it detect problem or it has detect hunted there for it will let the Wildebeest know but the but thing is wildebeest might not respond to the good way and last point is they being taken by its Predator 

we have several group that eats meat or predator of the Wildebeest a.k.a Zero brain why are they called Zero brain cause they don't want to think at all what they know is running only😂 something which make them good prey to their predator 

the main predatory of the Wildebeest aka Zero brain are Lions, cheetah, Leopards and other carnivores like Hyaena. 

What are their weight, the wildebeest ranges 200kg to 250kg as wildebeest are highly migratory males are able to take up temporary territories during the three week rutting season.

the migratory population is about 1.4 million with smaller b b b       ,more sedentary population all the way to maasai mara move to Kenya and later on they move back to Tanzania.

The wildebeest are getting their pregnance in here Serengeti National park and they move all the way round to a migration and later on they parturate in Ndutu where the end the journey and start a new journey of another session.

someone may ask him self why do they give birth to Ndutu while the Migration is all long and is due to the seasonal since there in Kenya there is good and palatable fodder, the reason is they move to find good feed and water.
And remember when the wildebeest  went to Kenya they move while their pregnant  and the reason why they dont give birth in to kenya is due to security reasons of their newborn Calves thus why they dont give birth into kenya and they while there is paratable and good grass for them to feed and be well but they move so as they can give birth to ndutu southern part of Serengeti, this place have small and good grass for newborn Calves
The migration one of the Earth's most impressive natural spectacles in all year around.
Since the wildebeest are more good in production their estimated number is high and the wildebeest seems to be have good and favourite meet when human being get its meet.
The Ecosystem made and maintain the number of wildebeest since are in high no there fore it is ecosystem that maintain them to rain costant and if they are adding it si not in that rate.
Are  wildebeest hunted?
Only for meet purpose and its skin for only decoration since is skin is not used lather that decolation the hunters only perfer to poarch them and sell the meat for income purpose only and not otherwise!
Why do wildebeest have the gyeish colour!
The wilderbeest colour is given to it cause their birthrate is high compair to other animal the first animal for population are Impala and the next animal is  wildebeest are highly popular.
How do lion/cheetah catch the wildebeest
The widebeest when it sees its prey it start to roarming round telling the prey that we have seing you and you wont catch use cause we are good in running 😂😂😂nde then the prey Lion or cheetah just target a litle one or a heifer in the herd and it start chassing the target one and the bad thing is all the wildebeest run every one yo savw its soul 😂😂😂and they all left the targeted one catched by the prey and the prey enjoy the food.
Are the wildebeest Water dependant!
The wildebeest are water dependant since are the ruminant animal and are grazers and they eat grasses with other plant but are totaly not browsers.
Which type of the grass are the wildbeest likely most?
The wildebeest likely most buffalo grass which are good in terms of favourite  and are softly and paratabe and easy for grazing.
Which kingdom,tribe  and order Does wildebeest belong to?
The wilderbeest belong to 
Kingdom ~Animalia
Tribe ~Alcelaphinei 
Order ~Artiodactyla
Sub-Order ~Ruminantia 
Deseases that affect wildebeest
There are some of deseases that affect wildebeest and one of them is Tickborn deseases:~East coast fever (ECF),Brucellosis 
Virus Deseases:~ Foot and mouth, Heart water,Lumpy skin.
Tsetse fly deseases:~Typanasomiasis, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis and many more 
How do wild animal manage to be out of these deases
Since there is birsa that eat tiks are ther one control ticks to most of the animals
but also Burning of the bust chase tsetse fly away and other are killed as ticks  cause this are the main agent that cause desease.
The whole National park are complises of firebreaks so as to control wild fire they do all these so as to control the ticborn deseases 
The question is does that way help wildebeest to be out of deseases?
Most of the cases it controls all over the deseases thus why the deases are not in high rate to wildebeest but also to other animal
and the deseases are controled also during migration when wildebeest are moving to other part as the time table requires.

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