The Ostrich Of Savanna🇹🇿

Ostrich are the  typically birds cant fry 
All birds are classified as members of the 
Kingdom ~Animalia
Phylum ~Chordata,
Order ~struthion fores,
Class~ Aves.
Name~ Struthio Camelus
 While this may seem to be an arbitrary, artificial classification, this general grouping emphasizes that birds are related through many of the characteristics they share.
~Vertebrates: All birds have a backbone, which places them in the Phylum Chordata. Unlike most other vertebrates, however, birds have a lighter skeletal structure filled with hollows, gaps, and air sacs to keep birds lightweight so they can fly more efficiently.
~Feathers: All birds have evolved feathers, composed of keratin and other proteins and light-reflecting pigments, to serve as body insulation. Different types of feathers may also be ornamental, such as plumes, crests, or streamers. Other feather types help birds control their flight, while some feathers, such as down, are strictly for insulation.
~Wings: Wings are one of the most defining characteristics of birds. Even flightless birds have vestigial or adapted wings or flippers they may use for swimming, threat displays, or courtship dances. The size and shape of wings vary between species based on how the bird flies and wing markings are useful to identify bird species.
~Warm-blooded: All birds are endothermic, which means they generate their own internal body heat and do not rely exclusively on their environment to maintain their temperature. While many birds will sun themselves to help regulate their temperature,sunning has more than one purpose and is not solely for body temperature maintenance.
~Bipedal: All birds have two legs used for perching, walking, hopping, or running. Different types of birds have evolved different leg shapes and lengths to suit their needs. For example, wading birds have thin, long legs suitable for moving through deeper water, while raptors have thicker, more powerful legs for capturing prey.
~Bill: All birds have a bony, keratin-covered projection forming their mouth. This bill is frequently evolved for specific bird diet types, and many birds also use their bills as tools for carrying, drumming, drilling, preening, and other tasks. Some birds even use their bills as weapons or to help regulate body temperature.
~Furcula: Though not visible to birders, every bird has a furcula, or wishbone, that protects the chest cavity during wing beats. This keeps the bird's chest organs safe from excessive pressure as the wings move and birds change altitude.
~High metabolism: Birds have a high, efficient metabolism that quickly turns food into usable energy. They have a four-chambered heart and high respiratory rate as well, which helps them be efficient and agile fliers as well as maintain their high body temperatures
Ostrich are the largest living birds and its in the only member of its family struthionidae.
They weights is up to 345 pounds (100-150)and stand 8-9 Feet high 2.5 Metres height
They can attain a speed of 65kph - 40Mph
Ostriches are domesticated for skin/feathers meat /eggs. they are also used in ridding for sport
It greay starture its gait and the fact that it leave in the desert explain why incient time it was compared to that other animal of the desert explain why in ancient time it was compaires to that other animal of the desert the camel it was feom the camel that look its scientific name strunthio camelus (ostrich camel)
They have only two toes for speed in the savanna grassland
They have powerfull legs which gives powerfull kick for defences
They factors or features that make an ostrich wings area inadwquite wings feathers and fight muscles.
Ostrich have small wings their bird use quite turning and breaking.
The male Mature to breed at the age of 6-7 years 
The Female Mature at 3-4 years 
The races of ostriches can easly inteebread and produce fertile crosses.
They take water when it is available from 5-6litre per day 
Ostriches are omnivorous but mainly vegetarian.
They swallow a variety od shining metalic objects
They have a keen vision to warm of the animals and they  benefit by getting insect and small animal distribited from grasses 
They tend to hatch beforw the big rains comes so yhat chick get insect as well as green and soft grasses.
They lay eggs in hollow dipression one hen is able to lay from 6 eggs to 12 eggs depending on age and food availability, in one deppression you may find from 30 -60-80eggs depending on the number of laying hens.
The more senior  female will do incubation along the harem male. the eggs of senior female will be larger than the rest of the eggs.
They will be placed in the center of the nestbeing surrounded by other eggs of other female .
Why does she want her eggs to stay in the middle 
is to protect and keep away from predation and she want that they get well hatched during incubation period.
The incubation pair will use the beak.
Ostrich can be use as food for human consuption and wild animal as its prey tge animal like lion,Leopard, Cheetah,Hyaenas, wild dogs and many more
In our Nationa parks we dont allow hunting of ostrich due to the reason of population and other rules that they were made for protection of rare species of animal and birds.
In Tanzania there are many National parks that you can meet or find an Ostrich like Serengeti National Park , Ngorongoro Conservation area,Tarangire National Park, Arusha National park, Katavi National park, Mikumi National park and many more.
If you want to see in good view these Ostrches its batter to be in side the park morning time you will have good and better vision and clear view of the Ostrich.
One but not least Ostrich have big egg that if you want to compare with these normal eggs you need to have up to 12 normal eggs so you ill just imagine how the bis is that eggs. In the town stories it is believing that when eat  ostrich egg you  gonna having speed in walking, running since it running very fast😂😂
One of the story, from one of the guide just saw an Ostrich eggs and drop down  from the vehicle and there  was  bushes  near where he saw the eggs, unfortunately he went near to take at least one egg of an ostrich Immedietry an Ostrich appear and he run to the vehicle but before he just get into car the man shourted and ostrich stop running wondering what happening and he save himself🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️😂😂 And he sweared not to repeat even if an

Ostrich is not visible at the area.

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