The Leopard of Serengeti National Park🇹🇿


The Scientific name is known as Pantherapardus
It have Size about 28 inches attached shoulder to down side 
and its Body Weight goes Upto 140 pounds where by its 
Lifespan 21years in captivity
~Bush and riverine forest it cant be found in plane land due to reason that it likely to stay within the tree.
~Carnivorous refer to the meat eater animals where by for them to survive it should eat meat, and water it feel thust.
~It  approximately 2 ½ months.
~The predators of Leopard is Humans being
~The most secretive and elusive of the large carnivores, theleopardis also the shrewdest. Pound for pound, it is the strongest climber of the large cats and capable of
killing prey larger than itself.
 Physical Characteristics
Leopards come in awide variety of coat colors, from a light buffor tawny in warmer,
dry erareasto a dark shade in deep forests. Thespots, orrosettes, are circular in East
African leopards but square in southern African leopards.
~Dense bush in rocky surroundings and riverine for estare their favorite habitats, but
leopards adapt to many places in both warm and cold climates.Their adaptability, infact, has helped them survive the loss of habitat to increasing human settlement.
~Leopards are primarily nocturnal, usually resting during the day time in trees or thick
bush.The spotted coat provides almost perfect camouflage.
When a leopards talks prey, it keep salow profile and slinks through the grassor bush
until it is close enough to launch an attack. When not hunting, it can move through herds of antelopes without unduly disturbing them by flipping its tail over its back to reveal the
white under side, a sign that it is not seeking prey.
Leopard sare basically solitary and go out of their way to avoid one another. Each
animal has a home range that over laps with its neighbors; the male's range is much
larger and generally overlap swith those of several females. A leopard usually does not tolerate intrusion into its own range except to mate.Unexpected encounters between
leopards can lead to fights.
Leopards growl and spit with a screaming roar offury when angry and they purr when content.They announce their presence to other leopards with arasping or sawing
cough. They have a good sense of smell and mark their ranges with urine; but they also
leave claw marks on trees to warn other leopards to stay away.
Leopards continually move about their home ranges, seldom staying in an area for more
than two or three days at a time. With marking and calling, they usually know one
another's where abouts. A male will accompany a female in estrus for a week or so
before they part and return to solitude.
As they grow, cubs learn to hunt small animals.The leopard is a cunning, steal thyn hunter, and its prey ranges from strong-scented carrion, fish, reptile sand birds to
mammals such as rodents, hares, hyraxes, warthogs, antelopes, monkeys and baboons.
Caring for the Young
A litter include stwoor three cubs, whose coats b appear to be smoky gray as the
rosettes are not . yet clearly delineated. The female abandons her nomadic wandering
until the cubs are large enough to accompany her. She keeps them hidden for about the
first 8 weeks, giving them meat when they are 6 or 7 week sold and suckling them for 3
months or longer.
~Leopard shave long been preyed upon by man.Their soft, dense, beautiful fur has been
used for ceremonial robes and coats. Different parts of the leopard the tail, claws and
whiskers are popular as fetishes.These cat shave are putation as want on killers, but
research does not support the claim.In some areas farmers try to exterminate them,
while in others leopards are considered symbols of wisdom. Leopards do well in
captivity, and some have lived as long as 21 years.
Did you know?
~The elegant, powerfully built leopard has a long body, relatively short legs and abroad head. Its tawny coat is covered with dark, irregular circles called "rosettes."
~Both lions and hyenas will take away a leopard's kill if they can.To prevent this
leopards store their larger kills in trees where they can feed on them in relative
Leopard have that huge power that it can lift up to 100kg to the tree According t its only secure it does that because it want to eat the fresh it self and it escape from other carnivores Animal like Lion, Hyaenas and other meat eaters animal.
Also in a town stories the Leopards doesnt want the situation of looking in their sites. even if you ill notice in an area you need to keep moving and assume that you havent sees him and yoi will be safe.
But its not clear if you look at the Leopard live and direct from it presence what it going to is unknown.
But also we havehave story Good Leopard who appear in Serengeti National Park, it is beleaved that that Leopards was friendly to human that it leaches the time that it would climbing the tree and come back down and be just like the dog, but it finally not hurt any body due to its behavior, in a certain point it come from the tree of Soronera and they meet the Leopard around the tented area and it only relax, though people were scared of it but still it could not hurt any of human being either.
So due to those habits of cats that used to be known by the people to this female  Leopard was different cause it was very relax and hamble but as the rule of Natinal parks says your not allowed to feed Wild animal so they have to proceeds with their normal behavior of hunting their prey to all of their way and that is typically within their brain (Instict habitat) thus why those people along Serengeti were scared of that Lion due to instict behavior in their Brain.
Thus Leopards

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