The Baobab tree of Africa.

 Common Name ~Baobad Tree 

scientific name ~ Adansonia digitata

The Baobab tree is a common from africa woodland and in the most of Savanna woodland.

The Name adansonia is from Michael Andanson who was a french Naturalist  and Explores who described digitate.

Technically known as Adansonia Digitata, Baobabs are also commonly known as "upside down" or monkey bread trees. As the largest succulent plant in the world, Baobabs can sometimes grow to heights of 20 metres and beyond. It's very common for them to hollow out as they age, and several clever people have turned large Baobabs into a range of things, including a bar, shop and even a holiday spot!

Baobabs are hardy and seemingly indestructible. They are renowned for being difficult to kill and will even regrow bark if stripped of it or burnt. Their hardiness makes them into perfect homes and shelters for animals, birds and creatures of all sizes

The tree has eight species of which six species are native to madagascar one to main land and that one to Australia.

The Baobab tree is called the tree of life because it is capable of providing shelter, Food and water for the animal and human in Africa savanna regions.


-They are the long lived tree

~They are one biggest plant in the world

~They are widely distributed tree in the world

~Tgey have been never recorded in Uganda


*Dark Bark ~Smooth grey and fibrous, Branches are stout and stiff.

*Leaves~Compound digitate (fingus like) with long leaf talk which is about 10cm long

*Flower~ They open at night and very short lived flower (Bat Fruits)

*Fruits ~Large  hard shelted capsule  cavored in greyish velvety hair ~Baobab trees are large African tree with life 300-500 years

The Baobab  tree grow slowly and each large branch makes a complete with stermband root these different largest branches make different tree sterms but fused together to form what we call Baobab tree sterm.


The leaves are used as salad by local people as they scientific provide to have higher vitamin which is remedy to HIV patient to increase the body immunity (If your HIV positive)

They are called upside down because during dry seasons they appear leafless

~Leaves in plants is to store water 

~The   flowerscare eaten by different animals when follen

~The Fruits are eaten by different human to increase flavour to porridge 

~The Fruits are used to make ground nats, ropes and clothes

They are food for Elephants during the dry seasons as the Elephants barks them eat as food to get moisture, fibre and minerals.

~The roots re boiled to make medical treatment against Ghonnorhoea

The seed are roasted and grinded to makr coffee drink as treatment agains high blood pressure.


The Baobab tree ranges from 6 to 30 metres tall and 7 to 11 metres  trunk 

Yhe largest African Baobab tree are dound in limpopo south Africa province

The Baobab tree have atructure of a bottle

*Here are the reason why it called  the tree of Life in Africa

Savanna region because the Baobab tree are very important tree in our park  ecosystem as an attractive shelter for animals and food sourcw for animals. They use the stem of tree as food and water source especially during the dry season 40% of the inside of the sterm water.

The juice from powder is said to be very rich in vitamin "C" morw than orange

When elephant eats the bark and the soft part inside the sterm they leave the  holes many of them are big holes.

The holes left behind by Elephant, saves as Nesting site for birds such as Rollers, Hornbills, Parrots, Kestrils and Red billed weavers as they are found in Baobab tree than any other tree.

Animals like Hyraxea, Hyenas and antelopes enjoy this tree by sitting under its shade.

Baobab  tree provide  the Natural believes in their cavities.

Altitude of Adansonia digitata prefer to grow 1250 Metres high above the sea level.

As distinctly African symbols, Baobab trees aren't just known for providing shade and nourishment but they're also a central part of traditional legend and lore. They have featured prominently in African literature and traditional folk tales, with many stories making reference to its unique shape or meaning.

It is believed that kings and elders would hold meetings under the Baobab tree, with the belief that the tree's spirits would guide them in decision-making. In more modern times, the Baobab tree is commonly used as a venue for community meetings or even as a classroom.

Built with purpose

But the tree's multi-purpose existence doesn't end there, as its nectar, fruit and flowers are an important food source too. The Baobab tree's fruit is an egg-shaped capsule that, within its hard outer shell, contains a dry, powdery substance along with black seeds. The powder can be used to create a refreshing drink and is even said to be a good treatment for fevers. It's also been used as a thickener in gravies, jams and sauces.

The large white flowers of the Baobab tree are sweetly scented and emerge during the late afternoon. They fall off the tree within 24 hours though, quickly turning brown and releasing a pungent smell. And in just another way that the Baobab tree keeps giving to the world around it, the flowers then become food for passing antelope.

Because Baobabs are found in dry, arid regions, they grow slowly as a result of not receiving much rainfall. But the nooks and crannies of the trees can become useful little wells that hold water, important for both animals and people who stop for a drink and to enjoy the shade of the tree.

Some traditional folklore suggests that by drinking water that Baobab seeds have been soaked in, people would be protected from crocodile attack. Other traditional tales and rituals imply that young boys must be bathed in water soaked with the bark of a Baobab, as this will enable them to grow into strong and healthy men

Is the Tree with a lot of fuction in Africa.

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