The Lion withdrew its prey on the its Pit


The Warthog after it has running away from the lion with very high speed finally get into its pit and the lion cause it knows the pit it went in and pick its prey though it have tired.The Lion with Warthog
Lions chasing a warthog.
Though a group of hunting lions is potentially nature’s most formidable predatory force on land, a high proportion of their hunts fail. The cats pay no attention to the wind’s direction (which can carry their scent to their prey), and they tire after running short distances. Typically, they stalk prey from nearby cover and then burst forth to run it down in a short, rapid rush. After leaping on the prey, the lion lunges at its neck and bites until the animal has been strangled. Other members of the pride quickly crowd around to feed on the kill, usually fighting for access. Hunts are sometimes conducted in groups, with members of a pride encircling a herd or approaching it from opposite directions, then closing in for a kill in the resulting panic. The cats typically gorge themselves and then rest for several days in its vicinity. An adult male can consume more than 34 kg (75 pounds) of meat at a single meal and rest for a week before resuming the hunt. If prey is abundant, both sexes typically spend 21 to 22 hours a day resting, sleeping, or sitting and hunt for only 2 or 3 hours a day
The warthog
Widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa
Distribution of subspecies
P. a. aeliani - northern Ethiopia and Djibouti
P. a. africanus - Sahel to central Ethiopia; probably extinct in Mali and Niger
P. a. massaicus - eastern and central Africa
P. a. sundevallii - northern part of the southern African sub-region
Regional extinction likely in Niger 
Sympatric (occupy the same region) with the desert warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus)
Overlap believed minimal
Prefers open-country, most typically (from Meijaard et al.  unless otherwise noted)
Unlike most African pigs
Inhabit savanna grasslands, open bushlands, and woodlands (Cumming 2008; Meijaard et al. )
Avoid densely wooded areas without suitable grazing (Vercammen and Mason )
Absent, most often, from forests, thickets, cool montane grasslands, deserts, and steppes
Except near the Danakil desert and Bale Mountain forests (Ethiopia) and the Goda Mountain forests (Djibouti) (Cumming ; Meijaard et al. )
Often near water sources (from Meijaard et al. unless otherwise noted)
Typically in range of perennial surface water (Hayward and Hayward ) Survive in regions that lack drinking water for several months each year (de Jong and Butynski )
Elevation range 0-3,500 m (0-11,483 ft) (Cumming 2008)
Social Groups
Facultatively social (from unless otherwise noted)
Live alone or in small groups
Degree of association varies by population and by season
Groups fragment in regions with a distinct dry season
Solitary adult females are common
Males are primarily solitary
Associations with females are temporary
Join groups more often during the mating season
Females live alone or in groups known as "sounders"
Matriarchal groups of one or more breeding females and their offspring
Offspring emigrate to surrounding areas; males are more likely to disperse than females
Group composition (from White et all unless otherwise noted)
Sounders (adult female groups)
Solitary adult female with her infant, juvenile, and/or yearling offspring
Multiple adult females without young
Multiple adult females with their infant, juvenile, and/or yearling offspring
Bachelor group
Adult male with other adult or yearling male(s)
2-4 animals typically Yearling groups
Associations of all-female, all-male, or males and females
Most are mixed-gender
Sounder size
Range: 2-8 individuals
Numbers fluctuate seasonally
Related sows may join to form larger groups; 12-18 individuals
Factors limiting size
Dimensions of sleeping burrow 
Warthogs travel in groups called sounders consisting of 1 or 2 sows and young offspring. Males usually travel alone.
Boars have more prominent warts than sows. They are primarily used to protect the face during fights.
Warthogs use burrows for shelter and when entering, the hogs back in. This enables them to defend themselves. In the mornings, warthogs burst out of their burrows at top speed to get a running start on any predators that may be lurking nearby.
Although they look fierce, warthogs would rather run than fight. But they can be fierce opponents if forced.
Since the warthog are good feed to the lion then its obvious that it will be hunted and eaten by the Lion 
and its said that the warthog are very very sweet since they resemble a pig by eating and other way round so are very sweet animal 
to that video the lion  was chasing the warthog and it runs into hide where also the lion  can go into it and it went down to get it so that it can the feed of the day. 
The warthog is prey of lion and its good and fit for it to conserption 
finty the lion get it and feed the warthog as it was hented before.
we all know that the warthog in the field have high sense but mostly time are taken by its prey because it always run.
as we know the wild in plain is clear so the animal (warthog) has run and remember the warthog have speed of 50km/ hour and the Lion is running 70km/hour so it wont run as faster as Lion such that it cant be catched by Lion at the last minute the Warthog catched,
The sound of the warthog always walk together and the the lion always hunying by assisting each other that teach us that wherever there is good opportunity is good to hunt with your trusted people 
But also the lesson i learn to The lion Hunting of any prey their is sattlement that maken them as a target and at the end of the day they archive their Goals how cause they cooperate them selves and eat together because all of the group member participate in the fighting and getting of the Feed.
Also there is lesson to learn in the pride of lion and to the sound or group of warthog.
But also remember Lion is the animal that have a lot of power compare to other carnivores lion have that big muscles that if it catch the animal it wont move to any where until it dies. it estemated to have alot of weight.

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