The Rhino of Tanzania🇹🇿

The Classification of Rhino 
Kingdom ~Animalia
Phylum ~Chordata
Class ~ Mammalia
Order ~ Oerissodactyla
The life span is 40 - 50 Years 
The Perissodactyla comprise three families of living mammals: six species of horses (Equidae), four species of tapirs (Tapiridae), and five species of rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae).
Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Report
Infraclass Eutheria Gill, 1872
Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 – antas, Odd-toed Ungulates
Direct Children:
Family Equidae Gray, 1821 – Asses, Horses, Zebras
Family Rhinocerotidae Gray, 1821 – Rhinoceroses, rhinos
In here we have Hippos and other animal like Rhino, Tapirs, Horses, Assess ,donkey and Zebras.
There are all Non Ruminant animal.
They do not regurgitate and chew the cud
They have a simple stomach.
There Largest Perissodactylas but in Africa we do have White Rhino and black or white but are all grey in colour.
The reason why they been called black and white  is to be able to differentiate them when in the field as they have different characteristics/ shapes/size/and appearances.
~We have species of Rhino 
Javan Rhinoceros - Male has single Horn fmales
Indian Rhinoceros -Both have single horn
Sumatran Rhinoceros - They have two short horns
White Rhinoceros - Two horns front horns longer than the other
Black Rhinoceros - Two horns Front horns longer
White Rhino is grazer with a wide mouth- thus called Squire -lipped Rhino.
The Black Rhino has prehensile pointed lips for nipping leaves hence the name pointed lipped Rhino
In Tanzania we have Rhinos in Ngorongoro Concervation and Moru in Serengeti Nation Park,also Mkomazi which were translocated from Ado National Park in South Africa.
We do not have White Rhino in Tanzania not because of Poarching but since the beginning we do not have at all.
There is reason why Rhino are not seen in many part of Africa
In 22nd September each year is World Rhino Day where five rhino species: Black, White, Indian, Sumatran and Javan rhinos are celebrated globally. During this year, the main theme is “FIVE RHINO SPECIES FOREVER” - which reminds people all over the world that no rhino specie should become extinct in the near future.Tanzania is home to the black rhino populations hosting two subspecies, the Diceros bicornis michaeli and the Diceros bicornis minor. Their numbers plummeted by over 98.4% from over 10,000 rhinos in the 1970’s to less than 100 individuals in 1992 because of poaching and habitat destruction. However, their numbers are on the increase, reaching about 190 at present following creation of intensive protection zones (IPZs), increased protection and monitoring, creation of rhino sanctuaries and translocations of rhinos among others. The rhinos in Tanzania are currently found in the Serengeti, Mkomazi and Nyerere National Parks, Ikorongo-Grumeti Game Reserve and Ngongongoro Conservation Area.
n marking World Rhino Day this year, Mkomazi National Park has organized an awareness raising event aimed at educating the public on why black rhinos are critically endangered, the roles of conservation officers, rangers and communities in rhino conservation and benefits of black rhinos in the country which ranges from cultural symbol, aesthetic values, ecosystem services and revenue generation through tourism.
In addition, the park is opening a rhino sanctuary for conservation and tourism purpose to give tourist and public a much awaited opportunity to view this flagship specie. This rare opportunity is supported by the current Rhino Conservation and Management Plan in Tanzania (2019-2023) which highlight use of this highly charismatic animal to attract the world’s attention and generate significant revenue through wildlife-based tourism
~Unique characteristics
The unifying characteristic of Perissodactyla is their single toe (or three toes together) bearing the weight of the animal, with the axis of each limb passing through the enlarged third digit. Tapirs have four digits on the forefeet and three digits on the hind feet, whereas rhinos have three digits on all feet.
Why Do People Poach Rhinos?
The ongoing poaching of rhinos is due to the demand for their horn, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine and for other purposes among people in Asian countries. Rhino horn consists of keratin, which the same material is found in cockatoo bills, turtle beaks and horses’ hooves. The keratin in rhino horn contains amino acids such as cysteine, arginine, lysine, tyrosine and histidine as well as salts such as calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Unlike the horn of an antelope, a rhino’s horn is not attached to its skull and it will grow throughout its life.
While the medical use of rhino horn has been illegal since 1993, poaching rhinos for their horns is still an ongoing problem. Traditional Chinese medicine has used rhino horn for conditions including gout, rheumatism, fever, headaches, vomiting, food poisoning and typhoid. It is also considered to be an aphrodisiac. To use it, the horn is ground into a fine powder or shaved into slivers and then dissolved in boiling water and consumed. While there’s no evidence that rhino horn has medicinal properties, many people believe it does and that drives the demand.
What Can You Do to Help Stop Rhino Poaching?
What are some ways to prevent rhino poaching? Let people know that you want to protect rhinos by signing petitions. Use your social media accounts to create awareness. Looking for organizations that are dedicated to protecting these animals and supporting them such as with anti-rhino poaching donations, is another way to help.
~How IAPF Works to Stop Rhino Poaching
Created in 2009, the International Anti-Poaching Foundation has taken an effective, comprehensive approach to conversation, including helping to prevent the poaching of rhinos. Rather than taking an adversarial approach to end poaching, it has developed a model that is innovative and empowering for the

the hunting and killing of — wildlife. While poaching can happen anywhere, many species are targeted throughout Africa. Each year, mammals such as rhinos and elephants as well as lesser-known species are poached in the millions.
Poaching exists because of the demand for certain wildlife. In some parts of the world, especially in Asia, animals are consumed as delicacies or used in traditional medicines or preparations. Other species are hunted and captured to become pets.
Poaching can have a tremendous impact, not only on the individual types of animals targeted but on the overall environment. It contributes to endangering and even causing the extinction of species. When keystone species such as the rhino are poached, it can upset or destroy the animal’s ecosystem, affecting countless other animals and plants.
Understanding Rhinos and Their Behavior
There are five species of rhinos — the Sumatran rhino, the Java rhino, the black rhino, the greater one-horned rhino and the white rhino. Rhinoceroses live in Africa and Asia, and the species have some differences. African varieties of rhino have two horns; the Sumatran rhino has two horns, but one is typically smaller than the other; and the two Asian types of rhinos have only one horn. Sometimes Asian rhino horns are more prized because it’s thought that they are more potent than African ones.
African rhinos use their horns to fight and defend themselves from predators; they can spear and throw animals they have impaled. Asian rhinos are generally thought to be less aggressive than African ones and tend to fight with their bottom teeth, not their singular horn. African rhinos tend to eat plants that are found lower on the ground while the Asian rhino eats leaves and plants that are higher off the ground.
Two species of rhino lives in Africa — the black and white. Their names don’t have anything to do with the color of their skin as all rhinos are gray. The species differ in the shapes of their mouths; the white rhino’s lower lip is wide and flat, and designed for easy grazing of grass and low-growing plants. The black rhino’s lip is pointed rather than flat; the rhino uses it to pull leaves from branches and to pick fruit.
White rhinos are larger than black rhinos, and have bigger heads and necks. They have a pronounced hump on their back, and typically keep their head close to the ground to feed. Their front horn is usually much larger than the back one and can grow up to three to six feet long. White rhinos are territorial, sedentary and are considered semi-social; males typically only associate with females during breeding season while small groups of up to six aren’t uncommon. White rhinos may eat and rest throughout the day and night. During hot weather, they may rest during the day, wallowing in mud to keep their body temperature down and help reduce skin parasites.
The white rhino has two subspecies — the northern white rhino, and the southern white rhino. They live in savannah areas. There is estimated 18,000 southern white rhinos currently, and they are considered “near threatened.” However, there are only two northern white rhinos left, which are female and are protected by armed guards. The southern white rhino is found primarily in South Africa, with some in Namibia, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
Black rhinos include four subspecies, all of which are smaller than white rhinos. Like white rhinos, they have two horns, although male rhinos’ horns tend to be larger than females. They have smaller heads than white rhinos and browse from higher trees and bushes. They also have a hooked lip instead of a flat-based lip. Black rhinos are found in eastern and southern Africa, especially in South Africa. They are less social than white rhinos, but like white rhinos, can be active during night and day. There are an estimated 5,630 black rhinos today and they are considered “critically endangered.”
Rhinos are considered an umbrella and keystone species, which means that they have a tremendous impact on their environment. Protecting rhinos helps protect other animals as well as the species of plants in their ecosystem. Rhinos also play an integral role in the tourism industry, which helps create jobs and attracts money to local communities throughout Africa.The lost of Natural habitat due to human development expansion more land was needed for farming.

~Other were killed during colonial Rule 60's back time.

Welcome to Tanzania.🇹🇿🦏

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