The Thomsom Gazzelle of the Wild

A gazelle will flick its tails or stomp its feet to warn others of a lurking predator.
The horns of the Edmi gazelle can grow to 14 inches (35.5 centimeters) long.
Goitered gazelles get their name from the large bump on their throats. The bump is larger on males. It is a large patch of cartilage that helps them bellow loudly to potential mates during mating season.
Gazelles can stand on their back legs to reach leaves high in the branches of trees.
Classfication of the Thomson Gazelle.
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Subfamily: Antilopinae

Tribe: Antilopini

Genus: Gazella

In this tribe we have 12 species of gazelles in Africa particulary.
But in Tanzania we do have only three species of gazelles which are grants, Thomson's, and Gerenuk
All gazelle prefer semi-desert arid savvana with vast short grass - plains dotted with acacia woodlands.
They are water -independent at all their life time.
Genelary do not drink any surface water even when given
-Grants can go without water for months but thomsons will drink regularly when water is available.
Who are the Thomson gazelles 
They are herbivores as they feed on plants.
They are belongs to order artiodactyla as they heve even toes.
They are ungulates as they are hoofes walking on their hooves (hoof animals)
They are ruminants of the sub-order Ruminantia.
They are antelopes in the bovids group of animals with permanent hollow horns 
They chew cuds since they are ruminant animal.
Mating season is usually timed to occur during the rainy season so that the newborn fawns will have plenty to drink.
Gazelles carry their young for around six months before giving birth. They have one to two young at a time. Baby gazelles are called fawns or calves. 
To keep her calves safe from predators, a female gazelle will hide her babies in tall grasses. While the young are still nursing, they stay with their mother's herd. When they are ready to fend for themselves, male calves are moved to the male herd. Gazelles typically live 10 to 12 years.
Diet of Thomson Gazelles
Thomson also known as thommy are grazers and browser in nature  of short grass the dry season they browse and in the rain season they graze smooth and edible grass.
The Body weight of the Gazelles are 20kg to 34kg in males and 15kg to 22 kg in females.
The gestation period of thomson gazelle is 5.5 to 6 Months.
The Birth interval of thomson is 8-9-12 Months
Maturity to breed of thommy is 1.5 to 2 years
Number of young(Fawns)per life time is 6 to 7 Fawns
Horns of a thomsons represent in both sexes in males are much more developed and elongated than in females where the horns are crooked and cross wise or small in size or with one broken.
How do they use their horns
Males use their horn to protect the harem during breeding time or mating time.
other use is only for defense purposes.
The anti predation stay concentrated large heard in thomsons grant.
Young of the gazelles are always hide undercover for several week to be firm.
Colour- The cryptic colour that matches the surroundings.
Escaping distance mostly keep the escaping distances between them and their predator.
The thomson are very good and have Sharp eye sight and hearing of sounds from any side.
Thommy are having good eyesight tobsee their enemies at long distance.
Where can you see Thomson gazelles in Tanzania 
In all Tanzania national parks except for Arusha National park and Kilimanjaro National Park why cause it doesn't have the suitable habitat for thommy to feed and stay in.
How do they adapted to Arid conditions.
~Panting they use to evaporate cooling instead of normal brethong.
~Rest under shade or in the open to conserve water.
~Give out concentrated urine and dry feces to conserve body water(dehydration)
~Feed at night hours and early or late in the day with low temperature.
~They have smoothfur which is only for reflect sun rays to avoid dehydration
~The fees on succulent plants to gain mositure as these is jo surface water
~The Thomson Gazelle has a bold black side stripe on the flank which is missing in otger gazelles especially in grant gazelles there only black and white facial marking while the tail is black.
Adult Males will form bachelor herds along with other mature male which are not holding any harem  of females 
They are mostly water independent unlike Thomsons which are water dependant drinking daily when surface water is available.

The tmThomson Gazelles are widely distributed in African savanna along with the wildebeests.

Cheif enemies of the Thomson gazelles are





And other Carnivores 
The thommy is likely to bare its fawns in the resembled area thus means Comofrage area the gazelle are likely also to eat mostly Sodom apple which are the mainly it have contain good content of water so it will made the gazelles to survive in dry land area for long time.
What is the reason why Thomson gazelles hunted highly by cheetah 
The reason behind is because it is living in plain area 
Now when meet the other which is also living in plain area thats means that it will be the Cheetah Prey for most of its time.
The Thomsons gazelle use to walk side by side with impala, baboons , wildebeests and other why do they interact with the other antelopes cause they prefer the security the huge the herd the low the predator will look after them why because the predators wont attack the mass it only attack the one or two animals or thr race which are there in movement so they escape being soritary and stay in between other animal.
The Thomsons Gazelle are not Noctunal in nature but other time you might found the gazelles  feed in the mid of night but this habbit it is highly practised by the Male so as during the day they will use  that time to protect the harem

This is the known and famous animal cause it used to be hunted by the cheeter and other cats 

thommy som is very sweet when used as meet 

please visit any Tanzania National Park with Dawa safari's and adventure to get good services ever u ill never forget ever

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