Cheetah chase the gazzelle

When define Cheetah is the Carnivore animal that is living in a plain area 
Its Classification is 
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus): a large cat native to Africa.
Kingdom: | Animalia
Phylum: | Chordata
Class: | Mammalia
Order: | Carnivora
Family: | Felidae
Genus: | Acinonyx
Species: | jubatus
Cheetahs are the world’s fastest plain mammal. They can reach speeds up to 65 miles/112km/per hour and accelerate from 0 to 70 mph in just 3 seconds.
The cheetah is known for its golden-yellow, black-spotted fur. Cheetahs are slim and have muscular, long legs — in relation to their body size when compared to other cats. They have a small, rounded head that is set on a long neck, a flexible spine and a deep chest. Cheetahs have large nostrils for increased oxygen intake and high-set eyes with a 210-degree field of view. They have distinctive black “tear marks” running from the inside corner of each eye to the mouth that may serve as an anti-glare mechanism for daytime hunting.
They have other distinct features that help with their speed, such as special pads on their feet for traction. Their long tail acts as a rudder and helps with balance. 
Cheetah of Tanzania have one characteristic which is clearly shown and it is The black sporteed colour in their eyes since it resembles Leopard and the cheetah is a bit slight compare to the leopard.
The cheetah prefer living in plain land where it can chase its prey and get the good food for its life differ compare to the Leopard the leopard can carry up to 200kg to the tree compare to Cheetah it can't carry that large Weight to the tree and the cheetah is likely friend to human compare to Leopard.
And other different characteristic though they both eat meet they also fear other carnivores like Hyeanas, Lion , and all of this depends with the number of the Dogs and or hyaenas that attack the cheetah.
Its not that when hyeanas attack single cheetah will see the fire but when cheetah run to get its preys it gets pressure thus why it create the good targeted prey that it can catch and feed it There is a certain verse that i use to read in a street somewhere in town here in Arusha it state this way 
"Althought cheetah is the farstest animal in the Earth but it will wait until its prey is completly sure that it will get and it chase it and catch its prey!"
The reason why cheetah have that speed is because it have slight weight that can allow it to run that fast than any other animal.
The lion, the Leopards, and other carnivores animal they can't catch the cheetah in any way.
Cheetahs are built to run, they are the fastest land animal ever timed. They have been recorded as 
reaching speeds of 64 miles per hour (112 kilometres per hour). Truly an elite athletic performer 
in the animal kingdom they could easily outrun the fastest person ever timed, Usain Bolt, who has 
reached a top speed of 27.7 miles per hour (44.72 kilometres per hour). But what design features 
help cheetahs reach these top speeds?
Cheetahs have a flexible spine that 
can bunch and expand like a coil. 
This lets them reach strides of up to 8 metres while 
Cheetahs have long thin legs which help them take bigger strides. They have big thigh muscles and long tendons, which can store and release lots of energy as their feet hit the ground
Cheetahs have a streamlined body (slim with a small head), which reduces air resistance as they run
Cheetahs have long muscular tails. The tail acts like a rudder on a boat helping cheetahs to steer.
Cheetahs’ claws work like studs on the bottom of football boots helping them to keep traction when running at fast speeds
Cheetahs typically weigh between 84 to 143 pounds, with males slightly larger than females. Their length can range from 45 to 55 inches, with their tail up to 33 inches.
Human-wildlife life conflict is a major threat to cheetahs. As their habitat and available natural prey decreases, cheetahs tend to encounter conflict with farmers. Cheetahs are more likely to attack livestock, resulting in farmers killing them in retaliation.
Habitat loss is another major threat to cheetahs, as human activities expand in the cheetah’s habitat. Cheetahs need large areas of connected habitat for their survival, as there is a low density of the cat across its range. The illegal wildlife trade and the exotic pet trade are other major threats to the species. Cheetahs are often poached for their skin for only decolation at the home place or visitation area.
The median life expectancy for cheetahs in the wild is about 12 years.
Breeding of cheetah
During the mating season, cheetah males make a unique sound called a “stutter-bark.” It is a very rhythmic and repetitive call that sounds like a cross between a purr and a rumbling stomach. The stutter-bark seems to play a role in getting an available female “in the mood” for breeding.
Female cheetahs hit sexual maturity around 20 to 24 months. After a three month gestation period, a female cheetah usually gives birth to three to five cubs at time. Cubs are born with all their spots and have a stripe of long, silver fur called a mantle, which runs down their back. This extra fur may help to protect the cub from weather or camouflage it in the tall grass.
When the cubs reach about six months of age, the mother teaches them how to hunt and avoid predators. Cubs live with their mothers for about 18 months. The mother moves the cubs frequently for protection from predators. Cheetah cubs have a high mortality rate, and researchers found that lions and hyenas kill up to 70 percent of cheetah cubs. After their mother leaves, littermates stay together for about six to eight more months. The females then head off to live on their own, while the males stay together in small groups called coalitions until they are mature.
These cheetah was hunying on  the pray, 120km/h and the gazzle have speed of 50km /h and it made the cheetah have also time to run if it increase it will default.

 This cheetah is hunting its prey which is gazzelle

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